Mould clamps are an important part of any moulding operation. Insufficiently secured moulds are susceptible to being damaged and this could cost a lot to repair.
Mould changes can also be completed faster by using self adjusting clamps which do not require spacer blocks or jacking screws to adjust to different mould plate thicknesses.
Mould Base SA supplies Zhushi Brand clamps which are well known for their high quality. The clamps are can be supplied in any quantity and are available with, or without, studs, nuts and T Nuts.
Mould Clamps
We only stock Zhushi clamps, widely recognized as the benchmark in self adjusting mould clamps. Zhushi is the largest mould clamp manufacturer in China and supply most of the larger injection moulding machine manufacturers with their clamp sets.
Quality is excellent and you may order whichever parts you require – not only a full set including nuts, T-nuts and studs.
M12, M16, M20, M24 and M30 are available at our warehouse in KZN.
Why risk having an expensive mould coming loose? Speed up your mould changes and eliminate setters searching for suitable length studs, nuts and clamps. Stop stripped threads in your platens, convert your mould clamps to Zhushi brand now!